Sunday, April 1, 2012


December 12 2011

ANywhy so this week some fun things happened first at this one house elder mckoen and i were talking to this young adultand teaching a little trying to get in so we could teach more but his Dog would bark and bark and bark his dog was a big bulldog scaring looking dog but anyway it would not shutup so finally i reached my hand in and started straching his ears and Boom he didnt make one noise after that.  its just weird becasue never in a hundred years would i have thought to stick my hand through a fence to pet a unknow and untrained bulldog up i did and he just barking i didnt get bit and we got in and tought a lesson and he accpet the invation to be baptised  cool stroy so hopefull hear in three weeks he`ll be baptised.

ANywhy here are some random picture of paraguay and of some art and some christmas decirations  because paraguay is a thrid world country they have no trach pick up people well they have some but not enough and so it help clean up the area for christmas they mark decerations out of 2 liters pop bottles  they are actually kinda pretty and creative.  thats one thing that paraguay has going for them they are creative they know that they arent the smartest riches and cleanest people but they are still a very happy people.

on no i´m running out of time and i havent written everthing yet.  first off i want all my brothers and sisters to kow that our parents are amazing and that we are so blessed to have them and been raised by two people how know how to love and have patience and are kind.  here in paraguay it is not the same.   i have seen child abuse and i have seen the effect not only do the recive bruise but they learn to hit back or they learn to always by afraid.  just yesterday i lady of about 25 years old was tellling my that she smokes becasue she is all ways nervous that her father is going to hit her and that me and my companion are her only friends because we dont hit her.  and there is no laws or program of the goverment to stop this behavior like there is in the states so the best i can do is love and try to teach people that hitting solves nothing and that they have worth and that the have vaule.  i dont have time to write everthing i planned but i would like everyone to read the family procalmation to the world from the first presidence they one from Prisendet Hinkley.  i read that just this week with a girl how what to know how to be a mom and what the purpose of the family is.   it takes let five minuets to read but it explans so much how to have a amzing family i pray for you are everyday

all is well here the church is true and i am one of the happiest missionaries around
Love Elder Hafen.

December 19 2011

I`m going to have my first baptism on dec 22nd!!! i was supposed to have it this week but when the day come around there was no water pressure in the church to fill up the font and there is no safe river near by so we canceled it till next week.  i am way excitied to see her baptised her name is adriana and she has been through a lot in her life and when i say alot i mean hell she has sufuvied a lot and has been a victum of some major crimes but through christ and his atonement she has laerned that she can forgive and forget.  she can forgive those that abused her and more importantly she can forgive her selve and relize that her father in heaven loves her and that jesus christ died for her. i have seen her life do a complete 180 from what it was to what it is now.  now she is a confundent young 19 year old lady that know she has vaule and knows that christ lives and that the best way to live is with christ not fighting against him.  i`ll be sure to send lots of pictures and such if i`m even here for it im sure i will be but tonight we are going to receve changes so i could go anyway really but general the younger missionary stays in the area and the older one leaves.

well my computer just freaked out and now i have no time to write. know that i love you and that God is with you just open the door and let him in.  i`m so excitied to talk to you all one christmas eve stay strong and have a great week. sorry eliza that i didnt get to write but know that i wantd to and no there is nothing that is going to be coming to you on 26 i`m waiting to change my money still and i plan to have one there hopefully for valentines day i`ll see what happens .
Ok here are some pictures of the bautism and a picture of the momnet on the hill that explianed the last battle of the gaurni indians  

It was so so sos os os so so os so ssooo great to talk to you all today hopefully for mothers day we´ll have more time but i loved to hear your voices and see you smiling faces you are all so amazing.  i´m so happy that you all got skype to work that was great the only bad thing is is that i spent 10bucks on skype so that i could call your phones and now i dont need it o well totally worth it!!

Thatsa for the great christmas cards and gifts

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